Whenever you browse the Internet, you leave several traces of your activities, not only in the form of navigation history but also as cookies and auto-complete information. Thus, your privacy may be seriously compromised when you share your computer with others. 1-abc.net Surf Trail Washer is intended to erase all these privacy threats permanently.
The application is characterized by its usability, mainly when you use the “automatic washer”. With a click of a button, the application will find and erase your trails. However, skillful users can also benefit from more advanced options to get more personalized results. The tool supports three popular browsers, namely Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. In addition, there are two modes to choose from, automatic and manual, and you can activate them for the following categories: history, cookies, types URLs and form data. As said before, the automatic mode identifies traces without ever asking the user about them. On the contrary, the manual mode will scan the browser’s data and provide you with the results, but it will let you pick which elements to erase. In the case of cookies, as you may want to keep some of them so that some sites can work more fluently, you are allowed to add them as exceptions and they will remain untouched by the program.
Perhaps the most valuable asset of this program, which brings it ahead of its competition, is the availability of a scheduler. This can be set to start a cleaning session automatically after a given period, but better than that, the program can be activated to start along with the system and perform a permanent cleaning. This means that no one will ever know what you have been doing on the Internet.
In general, 1-abc.net Surf Trail Washer combines two advantages: a powerful cleaning engine with ease of use. One disadvantage in relation to similar software is that it cannot manage data from various web browsers at the same time. Moreover, some other popular browsers are not supported at all.